Different Rates per Product but for All affiliates

I got the “Affiliates Products” plugin and I wanted to apply different rates for ALL affiliates ant not for specific affiliates.

So, the default rate is 1%. And for some products I want to give 10%, no matter who’s the affiliate.

How can I do that? I’ve tried not to select any affiliate ID, but the rate being given isn’t the selected rate, but the default one.

Thank you,


5 responses to “Different Rates per Product but for All affiliates”

  1. Muhammad Avatar

    I can’t see that tab in the Products Page:

    1. Please be sure:
      -You have installed Affiliates Pro Woocommerce Integration.
      – In Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration you have selected “Enable product referral rates” option.

      1. Muhammad Avatar

        Hi Antonio,

        I’ve purchased “Affiliate Products” only as I thought this was the one which would allow me to put different rates per product.

        Can you please remove my “Affiliate Products” license so I can purchase “Affiliates Pro” and enable the “Woocommerce Integration”?

        I’m really sorry about this, but with so many different licences I got confused :/

        Thank you,

        1. Hi Muhammad, no problem 🙂

          We’ve refunded the license for this, I’ll close this topic now.


  2. Hi,
    if you are using woocommerce and the integration with affiliates, in the product page you have a tab ‘Affiliates’ when you can assign the custom rate by product.
