Different Product Prices by Affiliate

Hi! Still loving your products… I was wondering if it’s possible to set different prices based on the affiliate. I know I can set different commission rates per affiliate, but can I set a different product price per affiliate?

For example, we use Affiliates Pro for a fundraising website. All products are currently $9 each and we want to increase the price to $9.50 each. However, there are 16 fundraisers that are in progress (ending by December) that we want to keep at the $9 rate. So, simultaneously, we need some affiliates to offer products at $9 while others offer products at $9.50.

If I set the default price to $9.50, is there an add-on that allows me to give a percentage or amount discount to some affiliates on the price of products displayed to their buyers?

Ideally, the buyer wouldn’t see the discount being applied or have to use a coupon. When they click the affiliate link, it would simply display the $9 price, rather than the $9.50 price.

I hope my question is clear enough. Let me know! Thanks! -Erica

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3 responses to “Different Product Prices by Affiliate”

  1. You’re welcome Erica!

    Yes, you can assign specific categories to specific affiliates via Rates. Once you create a new rate you can select an affiliate and once you choose the WooCommerce integration, you’ll be able to select a category. This means that when the rate conditions are met, then this rate will apply.

    Also, what you noticed about Groups and its addons is correct. Groups restrictions apply for authenticated users, so if you used that, any guests on your site wouldn’t be able to see the product(s) without logging in. Just in case though, if you want to give it a try, you can install Groups free plugin and restrict a product to a group. Only members of this group will be able to see the product, in which case you can specify the price without further concerns.

    Kind regards,

  2. Erica Thumma Avatar
    Erica Thumma

    Thanks for the quick response. Another thought… Do you have a way to assign a different category of products to different affiliates? There are only about 12 products on the site. I could duplicate them and give them different pricing (Category=Set1 at $9.50; Category = Set2 at $9) and assign different affiliates to different category of products?

    I see that your Groups Restrict Categories might accomplish this, but it also looks like you have to be a member/log in to see the content. Maybe I’m reading that wrong? As I mentioned, this is a fundraiser site so people would need to see the different products based on the affiliate link and shouldn’t need to log in.

    Thanks again! – Erica

  3. Hi Erica,

    Thank you very much for your feedback, we really appreciate it.

    The easiest way would be with a coupon, even though you mentioned that this is not ideal for you. The coupon(s) will be assigned to your affiliate(s) and even without using an affiliate link, each customer will grant a commission only by using the appropriate coupon(s).

    Otherwise, you need to use a custom implementation, that will first check the affiliate of a lead, adjust the product price if necessary and after checkout readjust it again.
    This obviously includes the risk of someone else checking out simultaneously at the same special price without deserving it.

    Another possible way would be to use a plugin supporting product dual pricing and then toggle the price display, show first or second price, according to the affiliate responsible for a lead.

    Hope it helps and if you need further help on how to retrieve the referring affiliates, please let me know.

    Kind regards,
