Different commissions for different brands.

Hello Itthinx team!

I have a question:

A customer places an order for two products from different brands with a promo code for a 10% discount.

How can the affiliate partner get a 3% commission on product 1 (Brand A) and 5% commission on the other product (Brand B) and the customer get a 10% discount?

Best regards


5 responses to “Different commissions for different brands.”

  1. Aleksandar Petrov Avatar
    Aleksandar Petrov

    HI again,

    Option 1 is ok for me but I have to create new categories for brands.
    There is no other option for woocommerce?
    Only by product and category?

    Best regards

    1. Yes that’s correct, because these are the default taxonomies provided by WooCommerce.


      1. Aleksandar Petrov Avatar
        Aleksandar Petrov

        Thank you George!


        1. You’re welcome!


  2. Hi Aleksandar,

    Welcome back to our support forum.

    As for commissions by brands, there are two possibilities I can think of and depend on how you specify your brands.
    If for example, you are specifying them by WC categories, then all you need to do is create the equivalent rate(s) needed. The only difference is that first you need to select WooCommerce for the Integration and then the Term of the desired category.

    On the other hand, if you are using an addon that specifies the Brand as a new, custom taxonomy then you should use a formula rate and the filter hook affiliates_formula_computer_variables. With the help of this hook and via its callback function, you can check the brand involved in the order(through the $context[‘order_id’] array) and then adjust the commission accordingly. The final commission can be defined to a new variable that you should return and use it for the Formula Value Field.

    Kind regards,
