Different Commission rates for Affiliates

Hi I have purchased the Affiliates Pro plugin and I am wondering if I can set different levels of commission for my affiliates. Is this possible, and can it be an automatic process? For example, Charities click on one link and sign up to be an affiliate and receive 25% commission. Other people can sign up to be an affiliate by signing up through a different link, and recieve 15% commission.
Is this possible?




6 responses to “Different Commission rates for Affiliates”

  1. Thank you Antonio – that is exactly what I am looking for!

  2. Hello, I have another question please – I am using Affiliates Woocommerce integration plugin – can I set different rates for the same product. SO that Affiliate A gets $5 and Affiliate B gets $10?



    1. antonio Avatar

      You can set different rates by affiliates (as attribute), but it’s applied to all products.
      If you need to set by products and affiliates, you could groups your affiliates and use Affiliates Groups.

  3. Thank you very much for your assistance 🙂

    1. You’re very welcome, thanks for using the products 🙂

  4. Hi Naomi,

    Yes, you can set rates per affiliate – see this section in the documentation for details please : Setting Referral Rates or Commissions.

