Customizing the Affiliate Signup Form

Is there a way to change the buttons out with shortcodes on the signup forms?
As the general Sign Up button is rather ugly for a landing page form

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4 responses to “Customizing the Affiliate Signup Form”

  1. digitalfusion Avatar

    It also seems that the “Affiliates Additional Fields” only get added to a profile if the user fills them in during registration, but this means they can’t be edited after the fact via the User Profile page.

    It’d be good if they were added regardless of their registration status, so they can be filled in later.


    1. Thanks for the feedback, we will consider it.
      we are working to improve the attributes system in Affiliates core.

  2. digitalfusion Avatar

    This is great, but two questions/comments:

    Is there a way to require the additional fields.

    I see these are added to the standard User profile, but since these are Affiliates specific, it’d be nice if they were added/editable in the Manage Affiliates area.


  3. Hi there,

    You can style the button with appropriate CSS rules if you just want to change the appearance.

    If you want to use a customized form (changing, adding removing fields) there are several options:

    The Affiliates Extra Fields plugin that provides an extended affiliate registration form you can use to add additional fields.

    You can also derive a registration form from the existing one (that involves coding, see the Affiliates_Registration class in the API documentation) or use a plugin such as Profile Builder (see Useful Plugins) to add the fields to the user profile.

    Another option would be to use your own form and call Affiliates_Registration::register_affiliate( $userdata ).
