Customize Signup Form


I am using Enterprise version of this beautiful plugin.

I don’t know how can i customize the fields of the signup form, i am using this plugin with Woocommerce. All i want is to add few fields in the Signup form like:
1. Website.
2. About Affiliate.
3. Address.
4. Paypal ID (most important) and many other which are part of the WordPress User Profile.


10 responses to “Customize Signup Form”

  1. myrtle843 Avatar

    Just what I was looking for…thanks!

  2. HAUTEBUTCH Avatar

    We would like to have that plug-in also because we are having the same problem. Our email address is

    Thanks in advance.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Please, check out above comment.

  3. hblue Avatar

    Thanks for the kind response.

    This is what i have done so far. I installed ‘Profile Builder’ and added the short code in the form like this:


    You can join the affiliate program here:



    Don’t know how to integrate the API with Profile Builder. Can you do this for me? All i want it to create few fields on the registration. I expected that this feature should have been a part of this since this is on wordpress and i have installed the woocommerce integration pack too. Honestly, this feature is very unsatisfactory. These extra addons like profile builder and captcha will definitely hurt the robustness of this plugin, just a suggestion that you should include these feature to the Affiliates plugin itself.

    1. Hi,
      We’re working on a plugin that allows to add additional fields to the registration form and provides a shortcode that can be used as a substitute for the one that comes by default. You’ll have access to a pre-release later on today.

      1. hblue Avatar

        Is it up? From where can i download the plugin?

        1. I sent it to you directly.

          1. leokoo Avatar

            Hi Kento, could you send me a copy as well? Would help if we get the address and phone number of affiliates, as some don’t do paypal, and prefer a cheque.

            1. antonio Avatar

              check out Affiliates Extra Fields

  4. Hi, thanks for the nice comment 🙂

    I recommend to use the Profile Builder plugin (see Useful Plugins) to add any additional fields to the affiliate’s user profile.

    The affiliate sign-up form is kept simple in order to make it easy for new affiliates to sign up automatically. But if you want to provide more fields on registration, then you can also derive a custom version of the registration form or use your own form and call the API to store the new affiliate.

    Hints for that originally provided in this comment:

    As the fields on the form that is provided are fixed, the best way to do this is to derive a custom version of the registration form. You can do this by using the form provided in lib/core/class-affiliates-registration.php, for example rename the class to Affiliates_Registration_Customized, in init() change

    add_shortcode( 'affiliates_registration', array( 'Affiliates_Registration', 'add_shortcode' ) );


    add_shortcode( 'affiliates_registration_customized', array( __CLASS__, 'add_shortcode' ) );

    so that you can use the [affiliates_registration_customized] shortcode to render your own version of it. You would just have to remove the fields you don’t want in the code and you’re set 🙂

    Another way to do it would be to use a form you provide yourself which then uses one of the methods defined in the original class to create an affiliate entry. Once you have your user ID, you can call

    Affiliates_Registration::store_affiliate( $user_id, $userdata );

    The $userdata array expects to have entries for first_name, last_name and email.
