Customize If Not Remove Subscribe button


We use Groups Paypal and lhe style of your Subscribe button and Checkout button is so un appealing it is not helping our conversion rate -please update it to something much better I know you can do that.

For the mean time give me the exact instructions in video if possible how I can customize :

subscribe button
checkout button
item label (I need to hide this)
price label (I need to hide this)

I want to use the buttons on a normal pricing table like this one

let me know asap

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4 responses to “Customize If Not Remove Subscribe button”

  1. This css selector

    .order-form input[type=”submit”]

    it only customizes the Subscribe button

    how about the Checkout button? Whats the selector to be used?

    Please let me know I need to get this project up soon.

    See test here:

    1. Hi Jon,
      Please try this selector:
      .checkout-form input[type="submit"] {
      background: red;

      Sorry, the plugin requires reload the page.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. Antonio thank you.

    This css selector

    .order-form input[type=”submit”]

    does it pertain to the subscribe button
    or the checkout button

    Lastly is there a way to load the checkout without the page refresh?
    Im trying to use it in a lightbox like this one

    Thank you

  3. Hi Jon,
    You can hide the title and the price using the params, something like this:
    [groups_paypal_subscription id="67" show_title="0" show_price="0" /]
    If you need to customize the button, you can use css, something like this:
    .order-form input[type="submit"] {
    background: red;

    We are working on an update that includes an extra ‘class’ param to customize it more easily.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
