Custom Method

Hey there!

Please, is this function reference actual ?

Here is a function named : affiliates_get_affiliate_referrals

Is there something similar for the affiliates totals ? If yes, something for totals of this year, too ?

I need something like this:

$referrals = affiliates_get_affiliate_>>total<<($affiliate_id);

if ($referrals < 400) {
$commission = 0.1;
} else if ($referrals < 1000) {
$commission = 0.15;
} else {
$commission = 0.2;

Thank You, Cheers


One response to “Custom Method”

  1. Hi,
    you have available Affiliates_Shortcodes::get_total(…)
    Affiliates Custom Method by Sales is based in sales number, but maybe can help you.
