CSS styles

Hi! Cant change style of plugin needs your help. Here is screenshots

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6 responses to “CSS styles”

  1. Not working:(

    1. Hi,
      please give us the url to have a look.

  2. I tryed list-style:none !important in affilates-pro css but it not work

    1. Please try:

      .entry-content ul {
      list-style: none outside none !important;

      Remember clear browser cache to load new css.

  3. I cant remove list-style: circle that used in those elements [affiliates_referrals show="total" status="accepted"]
    [affiliates_referrals show="total" status="closed"]

  4. Hi,
    Screenshots are not showed, but if you need to change style, you have the css files in …plugins/affiliates-pro/css (if you modified the files, beware with updates that overwrite your changes).
