Credit affiliates through Points & Rewards (WooCommerce plugin)

Hi guys,

on our system we run a reward program where a customer receives 7% reward in its account for every purchase made.

Some of the customers will then become Affiliates: we are looking for a way to credit their earned commission to their Points & Rewards wallet/account.

How can we achieve that?

Thank you for your help,



4 responses to “Credit affiliates through Points & Rewards (WooCommerce plugin)”

  1. Terrence Avatar

    Thank you Kento,

    Your suggestion makes sense. However, due to previous experiences, WooCommerce seems reluctant to develop or implement feature on demand.
    We’ll probably develop it in-house.
    Thanks again!

  2. Terrence Avatar

    Hi Antonio,

    thank you for the suggestion.
    We are looking to simplify the flow, hence why I specifically mentioned Points & Rewards and not Coupons.
    Is there any way to transfer the Affiliate balance? Is there a specific hook/filter we can play with?
    The more it’s automated the better it is.

    Have a good weekend,


    1. Hi Marco,

      This can be handled without any customization just by using the Point & Rewards extension as a means to pay your affiliates instead of making actual payments.

      You can use the Affiliates > Totals section to obtain the affiliates’ monthly totals for example and then update the points in proportion to the accumulated totals for each affiliate. Once updated, you can close the referrals for the period considered as usual.

      To automate this, I would suggest* an import feature for the Points & Rewards extension. You can generate the periodic totals using Affiliates > Totals, derive points to be awarded using the generated CSV as a spreadsheet and then import points to award by user email.

      * I think that would be a great addition to that extension in general.

      Depending on the amount of affiliates you have, it can make sense to sponsor/customize such an import feature.


  3. antonio Avatar

    You could create a Woocommerce coupon with the commissions value.
