Coupons Not Automatically Created



I install Affiliate Enterprise, Coupons, Permanent, Products, Woocommerce Integration

I create a scenario like this:

I enable Affiiate Coupons (my purpose is every new affiliate will get their woocommerce coupon automatically)

User A have Coupon: disc2
User B use Coupon from User A when purchasing product. Then User B “SUCCESSFULLY” under User A in Affiliates Permanent (This is works as I expected)

But the problems is, When User B register as new affiliate:
– Woocommerce creates new coupon automatically
– But in User B affiliate attribute, there is no new coupons. Coupon not created automatically

It really makes me confusing and double job, because I need to create manually coupon from manage affililiate, then I have to make it match in the woocomerce coupon area

Can you please help me on this?



10 responses to “Coupons Not Automatically Created”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Dwi,

    Thanks for sending me access to your site.
    Can you please give my account admin priviledges? With my current priviledges, i can’t even see the list of installed plugins. Furthermore, there are several plugins installed that alter the classic core functionality of WordPress, so i would like to have a closer look at these plugins.


  2. George Avatar

    Since your issue still persists without caching, i think it’s better to have a closer look at your Dashoboard. You can send me temp admin access to
    Also, if you are running a live site and it’s possible to create a staging site for my tests, please add the temp admin account to the staging site and send me these credentials. That way i will be able to conduct tests more freely without interfering with your live site.

    I will also send you by mail the Gravity forms integration.


  3. Hello…Actually I really need the WP fastest cache premium. I try to install affiliate registration page without caching but it still doesn’t work

    I need another help. I cannot install Gravity Forms integration. Would you like to help me to provide me the plugin? thank you

  4. George Avatar

    Thanks for providing that info.

    Please disable WP Fastest Cache Premium, make a test affiliate registration and check if the issue persists. There is a possibility that the cache plugin is interfering with the process.


  5. Hi George,

    This is my plugin versions:

    Affiliate Enterprise: 2.18.1
    Affiliate Coupons: 1.2.0
    Affiliate Permanent: 1.3.0
    Affiliate Products: 1.5.1
    Affiliate Woocommerce Integration: 1.7.1
    Affiliate Woocommerce View: 1.0.0
    Itthinx Updates: 1.2.0
    Woocommerce: 3.0.9
    Worpdress: 4.8

    And Cache Plugin: WP Fastest Cache Premium

    Thank You

  6. George Avatar

    Hi Dwi,

    I tried using several setups but couldn’t replicate the issue.
    Could you please indicate the plugin versions you are using? You can find these in your Dashboard under Plugins.


  7. Really appreciate, will wait for that

    Thank you very much

  8. George Avatar

    Thanks for the feedback.
    At the moment we are working on this issue. Once this is fixed, i will let you know.


  9. Hello,

    In my case. It’s happen in condition Affiliate Registration status is active

    Thank you

  10. George Avatar

    Hi Dwi,

    Please have a look at your Affiliates > Settings under Registration tab.
    Does this issue appear only when the new affiliate registration status is set to Pending or even in Active?

    Kind regards,
