Coupon works, link does not


Installed Affiliates Pro in a WP/Woocommerce site. After set-up found that though the affiliate link does put the cookie on the browser, referrals are not recorded and no commission is recorded. If I use the associated coupon it does record the referral and adds the commission, whether cookie is present or not. It took quite a bit of testing via making purchases to discover this. Meanwhile my client is wondering why their link is getting no action.

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5 responses to “Coupon works, link does not”

  1. George Avatar

    Thanks Tim,

    I’ve just sent you a file to the email address you used on checkout.

    The file attached is named wp-init.php and should be placed in the following folder and replace your current file. The folder path is wp-content/plugins/affiliates-pro/lib/core. When you will try to upload it your system( cPanel, FTP client, etc ) will ask you to overwrite your existing file and you should reply Yes and overwrite it.

    After that, make a test referral and it should be ok.

    Kind regards,


  2. HI George,

    No our site lives outside the root directory. So “/live/Newsite” is the path”.

    If you require FTP or hosting access let me know. Thank you very much,


  3. George Avatar

    Thanks for providing access Tim.
    Your WordPress installation resides in a folder or in the root folder of your webserver if you remember?


  4. Thank you George. I looked through the troubleshooting section and I am not using any of the things listed, so I have emailed you my WP and have added the debug code. Thank you very much.

  5. George Avatar

    Hi Tim,

    Please have a look at the Troubleshooting section of our Documentation. If your case is mentioned there, you should act accordingly following the instructions provided.
    If none of these options apply then it’s better for me to have a closer look to your setup, by sending me temp admin access to Please don’t forget to mention the topic title in your mail and enable WP debugging in case something irregular is going on with your site.

    To enable it, edit your wp-config.php file and replace the following line:
    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false );
    with these lines:

    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
    define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );
    define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false );
    after that, any errors will be added to a file named debug.log under your wp-content folder.

    Regarding coupons, whenever an affiliate-attributed coupon is used, the cookie is not required because the affiliate will be retrieved from the coupon code applied.

    Kind regards,
