Coupon Rates


I currently have:
Affiliates WooCommerce Integration
Affiliates Pro
Affiliates Coupons

Affiliates are only using coupons (not referral addresses) so they can send customers to the main website address.

I am hoping to allow affiliates the option to negotiate using two further discount levels with customers.
To ensure negotiations are incentivised towards offering lower discounts, I would like to share the burden of additional discounts with the affiliate.

Here is the wording from the Terms that I would like to use:

…shall pay to the Affiliate a commission equal to the (a) Default rate of the Net Price of Products purchased:
(a) (Default rate) where a valid agent coupon with a 5% discount is used, the Agent commission is 15%
(b) where a valid agent coupon with a 10% discount is used, the Agent commission is 12.5%
(c) where a valid agent coupon with a 15% discount is used, the Agent commission is 10%

Except where coupon rates (b) or (c) were requested to be used on an individual product, customer and occasion case combination and used by the customer on that basis. Other Products ordered at the same time as those associated with rate (b) or (c) shall attract the default (a) rate of commission and discount.

You can see that the above share the additional discount between the company and the affiliate. I can’t see a way to implement this system with the plugins and configuration options available. Is this possible or could be made possible or else what is the nearest implementation?

Thank you


3 responses to “Coupon Rates”

  1. Avatar

    Thank you,

    If you were able to add this in the future then I would find that very useful.
    My affiliates operate using only coupons and I have no commission rate variations for sale volumes.
    But the ability for affiliates to offer additional discounts at some personal cost to their commission would make the system much more flexible and keep incentives aligned.

    Thank you for clarifying, so the the affiliate commission is subsequently after the discount to the customer has been subtracted.
    Also, If I am understanding correctly, this translates to product specific coupons too.

    Am I correct in assuming that; all products within the order and with a commission rate allowed will receive their respective commission rate, even though a coupon for only one product was entered?

    Until the feature is available, I think the best I can do is, my affiliates will only have the flat commission and discount plus any additional discount codes they authorise through me on a case by case basis.

    Thanks 🙂

    1. Hi,

      Yes I think this would be useful and I have added it to our accepted feature requests (commission rate based on coupon used).

      For the current system, you are correct in assuming that product-specific coupons will have an effect (deduction) in the calculated commission, too. And this applies if a coupon has been applied to a specific product within the order, too. The just logic here is that if you as an affiliate have provided a customer a coupon code, even though the customer orders other products, too, the referral is still creditable to you in whole.

      Thanks for your taking the time to explain the case you would like to accomplish, good suggestions like this are always welcome!

  2. Hi Jonathan,

    From a generic point of view:

    With the current system it’s unfortunately not possible to base the rates conditionally on the coupons used. Although the rates are quite flexible and you can see the current possibilities in the Rates section of the documentation, I’d be happy to consider this as a feature addition for a future release. Can’t promise on an ETA yet though, but I think it’s certainly a good idea.

    As the commissions are based on net order amounts, your effective commission rates would be:

    – At the default rate with 5% discount at 15% commission rate : (100% – 5%) * 15% = 14.25% commission
    – With 10% discounts used : (100% – 10%) * 15% = 13.5%
    – For 15% discounts : (100% – 15%) * 15% = 12.75%

    For the additional rules you mention, where a coupon is applied to a product, the effective rate above would automatically be applied as the net product price would be considered to calculate the commission. As cart coupons would also affect the effective product prices, these rates would equally apply.

