Coupon applying referral to base price,not discounted price



For some reason, coupon codes are giving referrals based on the base price of a product, not the discounted price after applying the coupon.

Example: On a $100 base product with a 20% coupon code and a 10% referral rate, the referral given to the affiliate is $10 (10% of $100) and not $8 (10% of the net $80 price)

Previously this was not the case. Am I doing something wrong here, or has something changed?

I am using WooCommerce and Affiliates Enterprise.

Thank you for any guidance/suggestions.


One response to “Coupon applying referral to base price,not discounted price”

  1. Hi Todd,

    Do you have the discount applied before or after tax?

    If the discount is applied after tax, WooCommerce will show a sales tax applied to the total and then calculate the discount based on the item total plus tax. But if the discount is applied before tax, WooCommerce will show a lower amount in the sales tax field of the order and the assumed net order amount will be different.

    Example: Let’s assume an order with one item at $100, a 10% sales tax, 25% commission and a 20% discount.

    1) Discount applied after tax: On the order, this will show a $10 Sales Tax, an Order Discount of $22 and an Order Total of $88. The referral will be based on $88 – $10 = $78 granting $19.50 commission.

    2) Discount applied before tax: In this case the order will show $8 in Sales Tax, the product at a discounted $80 (on which the $8 sales tax is based). It will show an Order Total of $88 and the referral is based on $88 – $8 = $80 which results in $20 commission.

    Let me know if that helps please, I will need more details on how your tax and discounts are set up in order to help explain your particular case.
