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Commissions not added on recurring subscriptions
Problem: I was using the program for recurring subscriptions in WooCommerce. I think I set the program wrong. I set the program up to pay a commission based on members joining and paying the subscription fee. It worked for the initial order but did not work for any recurring payments.
I then went back through and set the payments based on Product Rates. My initial setting was for Referral Rate with the correct percentage as the Value.
I changed it to Referral Amount Method, using “Affiliates…product rates”.
In my tests of new orders placed after the change, it seems to be working fine…EXCEPT any orders placed before the change. The recurring subscriptions that were created prior to the change are NOT paying commissions.
QUESTION: Is this the normal operation and do I need to have all old subscribers resubscribe, or???
One response to “Commissions not added on recurring subscriptions”
Hi Warren,
For order that were placed before the option for recurring commission was placed, the system won’t be able to assign these to the affiliate as the initial assignment is missing.
For new orders with the option enabled, it will have the necessary reference though.