Commissions and Tiers

When using Multilevel Tiers (3 levels), do you need to make sure Commissions via (Settings>Commissions) is set to None?

I have it set this way with Commissions set to a Referral Rate of 0.10% AND the Tiers enabled with 3 levels:

Level 1 – 0.10
Level 2 – 0.07
Level 3 – 0.03

I don’t have a need for the Commissions if it’s not required when the Tiers are set. I tried to turn it to none and save, but it never saved the setting back and kept my original setting mentioned above as is.


5 responses to “Commissions and Tiers”

  1. Sorry for the multiple replys but I keep finding out more and have more questions.

    What was happening is the Referral Rate wasn’t saving anything and just left blank if I entered “0” in the value field. I put in “0.0” in the value field and it’s saving.

    Now I am able to see a direct referral being recorded but the affiliates down the line are not getting their referral. It should record a $0.00 for Direct and give the referring affiliate a rate, but it’s not doing that.

    We are also experiencing an issue when the Commission rate being active and effecting a cron that runs for our order fulfillment. When the Commission is set to anything other than “None” the cron will not fire and thus not pass any of our order details to our warehouse (a system that has been in place long before your plugin was active in our environment).

    I am not sure what would cause this to stop this single cron from not running, but it’s important to us and we need it running and your plugin running at the same time.

    If you can help and take a look at things, we would really appreciate this as we plan on releasing this to our main consumer base next week and want this hammered out.


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Chris,
      please send me dashboard admin access to antonio at itthinx dot com indicating this topic, and I’ll have a look at your settings.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. antonio Avatar

    Hi Chris,
    in Settings->Commission you set the “Level 0”. It is necessary even with multi-tiers. It’s the rate used to calculate the commission to the ‘root’ affiliate.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.

    1. Thanks, Antonio. I went to try and change this setting and it’s not saving and just reverting back to the original setting. Can you take a look at this as it looks like something is conflicting with the saving of this data.

      Also, can you pass the Itthinx logo at the footer via https?

      It’s currently pointing towards http and giving a mixed content warning on my SSL.

    2. I was able to resolve the issue with the settings not saving but now that I have update the Referral Rate to “0”, there isn’t any referral rate being passed when viewing the referrals under Affiliates > Referrals
