Commission by product

How do i do commission by products for ALL AFFILLATES, not by affiliate and product?????????????


3 responses to “Commission by product”

  1. Is there a way to not use a rate, but a set commission price per product?

    1. antonio Avatar

      with this custom method you can use the rates as amount.

  2. Hi,
    if you are using Woocommerce and Affilaites Pro Woocommerce Integration.
    1.- On Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration, enable “Enable product referral rates” and set a default rate.
    2.- On Affiliates->Settings select “Referral amount method” as “Enable product referral rates”, save an then select “Affiliates_WC_method::product_rates” as “Default referral calculation value”.

    If you need, you can set diferent rates per product on Woocommerce product page tab “Affiliates”.
