Commission being calculated on total including shipping

Hi! I just discovered that the commission in my affiliate program is being charged on the total, which includes shipping. Obviously, I need the shipping fee to cover the cost of shipping my products out. How can I change this to calculate on a subtotal? I have Affiliates Enterprise and WooCommerce. Please dumb down your response for me… I am not a coding guru. I can do basic html.


8 responses to “Commission being calculated on total including shipping”

  1. Patty Avatar

    I sent you the info in an email, along with issues I discovered when I went through about half a dozen orders. I appreciate your help with this matter!

    1. antonio Avatar

      Thanks Patty,
      answered by email.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. Patty Avatar

    Another problem as I am investigating this issue. Kelly is not under Keisha in the tiers, at all. So an upline is getting credit for sales that don’t belong in that set of tiers.

  3. Patty Avatar

    Where am I to send this very private login info? I am not going to post it here on a public forum.

    1. antonio Avatar

      No, please send me the access to

  4. Patty Avatar

    I stand corrected…. Here’s what is happening:

    I am currently running a sale where I have marked the cost of my products down by 10% in the cart. I also have a coupon that people can use for a Father’s Day sale to get another 20% off their total.

    The plugin is calculating the commission based on full retail catalog price minus the coupon. It is not “seeing” the 10% cart reduction.

    I also have a five tier referral set up where my affiliates can earn override commissions on their downlines. These are not just occurring once per transaction. In this particular case, they were generated four times per person. I really don’t have time to keep going through and deleting duplicates. What am I doing wrong?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Relating to the duplicates, please be sure you have not check ‘Allow duplicate referrals’ on Affiliates->Settings:Referrals.
      The referral to Keisha seems correct, the total is 21.6 = 7.20 + 7.20 + 7.20
      Really I don’t know why the Kelly’s total is 32.40
      If you send me dashboard admin access to antonio at itthinx dot com indicating this topic, I’ll have a look at your settings.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  5. antonio Avatar

    Hi Patty,
    The commissions should be generated based on the net price (without shipping). Please on Affiliates->Referrals selects ‘Expand details’ and ‘Expand data’ and share data’s Total and the woocommerce order details (totals, shipping, tax, …)
    Antonio B.
