Combining Product co-owner commission with regular affiliates.

Hey there! I’m currently setting up a new website in which I’m using the Affiliate Product plugin.

Currently the Affiliate Product plugin doesn’t take other affiliate commissions into account. In other words, when a product owner is set at 70% commission and an affiliate (to promote) at 50% commission, I would pay out 120% of the sale (which ends up in big losses).

I need to transform the Affiliate Product plugin to take into account the affiliate commission, and only pay an X% of what’s left after the affiliate has been paid.

Example: A product is $100. The affiliate would then get $50 (50%), and the product co-owner $35 (70% of the remaining $50).

Currently this is not something build into this plugin, so I’m opening this topic to ask for some guidance. Where would I need to start to implement something like this?

Thanks in advance,



6 responses to “Combining Product co-owner commission with regular affiliates.”

  1. wdekreij Avatar

    Thanks – that seems to work!

    Right now the 0.5 is hard-coded. In which variable is that actually stored (in case specific products or affiliates have another commission rate)?

    Thanks again!

    1. antonio Avatar

      In your custom version, in line 249 of affiliates-products/lib/comp/class-affiliates-product-woocommerce.php you have:
      $rate = bcmul(0.5, $rate, AFFILIATES_REFERRAL_AMOUNT_DECIMALS);
      first param is the commission.

  2. wdekreij Avatar

    Ok – just had a crack on it. Thanks again.

    All the code (inside class-affiliates-product-woocommerce.php) makes total sense. I’m the sort of guy who understands all the code and can make some custom changes.. but creating something from scratch is a level to high for me.

    I know that I would need to check 1) IF the sale is also accounted to an affiliate, 2) THEN take that commission into account into the $commission-calculation.

    The question is.. How do I know whether there’s an affiliate involved (e.g. which variable to check?) and in which variable is the current commission for that product & that affiliate stored? Does anyone know that? 🙂

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can use something like this:

      if (!class_exists("Affiliates_Service"))
      include_once( AFFILIATES_CORE_LIB . '/class-affiliates-service.php' );

      $aff_id = Affiliates_Service::get_referrer_id();
      $current_aff = affiliates_get_affiliate( $aff_id );

      if ($current_aff)
      $rate = bcmul(0.5, $rate, AFFILIATES_REFERRAL_AMOUNT_DECIMALS);


  3. wdekreij Avatar

    I’ll have a look inside class-affiliates-product-woocommerce.php.

    Option 2 isn’t an option for me, because if there’s no affiliate involved (e.g. direct traffic) the product co-owner should get 70% in full.

    Thanks Antonio!

  4. antonio Avatar

    right now, you have two options:
    1- Directly editing the plugin. In affiliates-product/lib/comp/class-affiliates-product-woocommerce.php (if you are using woocommerce), in line 242 commission is calculated.
    2- If your affiliates commissions are similars, you can recalculate owner commission:
    AMOUNT * 0,5 (affiliates commission) * 0,7 (owner commission) = AMOUNT * 0,35
    You can setup owner commission to 0,35 (affiliates commission keep equals)

