Combining affiliate pro rates with groups


I would like to ask a question regarding the Rates system that the Affiliates PRO plugin uses.

As of now I’m building a custom application using the Affiliates PRO, WooCommerce Integration and Groups plugins. I need to set up Rates for our Affiliates, but in a more complex way and I would like to ask you if what I intend is even possible.

I have the following scenario:
1) Groups structure: Main Affiliate (parent group) -> Affiliate A specific user group (child group) -> Affiliate A specific referral group (child of Affiliate A specific user group)

2) Affiliate A has a link that they share on their website and they generate Referrals for any customer who makes a purchase after visiting the link. – these users are assigned to the Affiliate A specific referral group

3) Affiliate A also has access to a custom form that allows them to register users and complete their Order manually. – these users are assigned to the Affiliate A specific user group

Can I set up Rates in a way that allows me to grant different comissions depending on the Referral User and how they got registered (self registering after visiting an affilaite link or bein manually registered by the affiliate)

As I explained, we differentiate the users by putting them into different Groups, but from what I understand the Groups filter in the Rate creation page works using the Groups that the Affiliate itself is part of, not the Referral User.

I know that this is quite an extensive question but I’ll be grateful for any insight that you can give me!

Kind regards,


6 responses to “Combining affiliate pro rates with groups”

  1. That’s great Rudolf, thanks for letting me know.


  2. Thanks, we will take a look at these last suggestions and report back.

  3. Hi Rudek,

    I’m George and Karim asked me to look into this.

    Based on your discussion so far, I would recommend assigning new users to groups depending on how they registered. You should use one group for users coming from your registration form and one group for users registering on checkout. The latter can be omitted if these are the only two options in your setup. The groups used won’t have anything else to do with the setup, they will only act as a way to distinguish between two different types of users. The same thing can be accomplished with a usermeta option upon registration but this is a personal choice.

    Then you can use a Formula-based rate in order to calculate the commission depending on the group the user belongs to. You can customize the formula variables with affiliates_formula_computer_variables filter by conditionally checking the group where the user belongs to and therefore end up with the proper rate you choose.

    Regarding adding users to a group, you can have a look at this repository. The same process can be used for both registrations each time adding the user to a different group.

    Please let me know if this recommendation suits you.

    Kind regards,

    1. Hi George,

      I tried setting up my own variable using the affiliates_formula_computer_variables filter and it indeed did the trick. It allowed me to figure out the group of the user, who generated the referral and return the correct amount back based on that. Thanks a lot for the detailed answer and the help!

      Kind regards,

  4. Hi Kento,
    Thanks. Here some more thoughts/questions:

    – on ” If you have a user referred by affiliate link, I would assume that the user is registering by her/himself on a specific form. ”
    Rudy: that is correct, but we can not use formidable or ninja-forms for that. We use WooCommerce’s native checkout form for “external” buyers and we would not want to change that form. Is there a way to associate the WooCommerce’s native checkout form with a rate in combination with the affiliate link? Also, we’d need to be able to associate different rates for different WooCommerce buyers users with different Affiliates.

    – on “an affiliate is registering a user on his behalf”: we wrote that form ourselves because it needs very specific functionality which is not available on commercial forms. Is there a way to associate the special form with a rate (e.g. via some API) in combination with the affiliate link? Also, we’d need to be able to associate different rates for different Affiliates.

    – Groups: we actually use Groups to filter out and define Rates per Affiliate. In the Rates Settings there is a dropdown for Groups so we assumed that we can set a separate rate per Group and associate Affiliates or users to a desired group – but that does not seem to work. Is that something we misunderstood?


  5. Hi Rudy,

    Thanks for providing the details on what you have in mind for your deployment. I will try to address what I think is the key idea from what you have mentioned:

    Can I set up Rates in a way that allows me to grant different comissions depending on the Referral User and how they got registered

    I think that the key here is that you want to grant a different rate to the affiliate depending on where the referred user comes from. It’s not so much about the group that the referred user belongs to but rather the origin of the referral. If you have a user referred by affiliate link, I would assume that the user is registering by her/himself on a specific form. You could use one of the form integrations that we provide for this purpose and assign a specific rate to the form. If, on the other hand, an affiliate is registering a user on his behalf, the affiliate would be using another form and here again, the rate could be made dependent on the particular form used. Take into account that in the latter case, the affiliate would probably have to visit his own link before using the form, to make sure that the form submission is related to the affiliate account. I would recommend the Formidable or Ninja Forms integrations for these purposes as our integrations are very versatile with these. You will find details on the integration features here:

    Please dont hesitate to ask if you need further indications, our team will be happy to help you further.

