Clicks not being registered


I’ve been using the Pay Per Click program, but recently affiliates and I have noticed that even though people are using their links, the clicks are not being registered.

It started happening this week, last week I installed varnish cache on my website and left the affiliate dashboard out of the cache configs, so that the page wouldnt have cache on it.

I’m not sure what could have caused this, if it was the varnish or other thing.

Here some images of my affiliate account: (affiliate dashboard) (backend)
In this case I had 93 people using my affiliate link, and I’ve set the config to pay 0,01 per click.

Also: Last week the dashboard was showing correctly the access on my link, but now it’s decreasing everytime I log in my affiliate account.


5 responses to “Clicks not being registered”

  1. George Avatar

    Hey Paulo,

    The wp_affiliates cookie should not be removed so that it can be stored successfully to the client’s browser and therefore be available for the commission and statistics calculations.

    Kind regards,

  2. George Avatar

    That’s great Paulo!

    I’ll mark the topic as resolved.


    1. Paulo Santos Avatar
      Paulo Santos

      Hello George,

      Unfortunately I think I missunderstood the article, can you help me out a little more? When setting up varnish cache I have configured some cookies to be removed, should the “wp_affiliates” cookie be removed too or should I let it do the cahce?

      PS: Right now I have it removed, and all clicks are still not being registered, so I’m guessing I set it up wrongly

      Thanks, Paulo

  3. Paulo Santos Avatar
    Paulo Santos

    Hello George,
    It worked, thank you very much for your support!

  4. George Avatar

    Hi Paulo,

    Many thanks for using our tools for your affiliate marketing program.

    Your issue could definitely be related to Varnish cache and as a matter of fact we keep a dedicated page on our troubleshooting section especially for that setup.
    Please have a look here
    and after following the necessary steps described, let me know if this worked for your case.

    Kind regards,
