Change Referral Export .tsv Fields



when I search for commissions by affilaite and export to a .tsv file, I would like to add my actual order number(currently it shows some sequential number not the same as my order number), the customer name, and products ordered. Is it possible to modify the export .tsv to do this?

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5 responses to “Change Referral Export .tsv Fields”

  1. Hi Denista,

    Yes, I actually see the order ID in a number of places on the export. Both the order id and invoice id are very important to me. Order ID is non-sequential and includes all trasactions including incomplete, failed etc. Our invoice ID is sequential for completed transactions only and is how our affiliates reference their commissions against sales.

    We use Woocommerce to generate all ID’s We also use Custom Order numbers by Tyche to add a prefix and initial renumeration.


    1. Denitsa Avatar

      Hey Bob,
      Thank you for filling me in on the details ๐Ÿ™‚
      I’m still unclear as to what mechanism you are using to generate the invoices themselves – is it a plugin like WooCommerce PDF Invoices, or similar?

  2. Yes, I understand. New to Woo and names are different than what I am used to. Try this speaking in Woo:

    Your report shows the “order ID” and I need to show the “Order Invoice Number” as well.

    Woo Order ID’s/Numbers are assigned by Woo to every transaction including failed orders. My Woo invoice numbers are sequential and assigned only to live orders being processed. That make the Order ID/Number different from my invoice number. My affiliates (aka sales people) can only get invoices to reference their commissions and the Order ID/Number does not show on invoices.

    For Example Woo Order ID/Number is 1680
    my Invoice Number is KWSL154

    So, what I am trying to get is one of the fields changed to the Woo “invoice Number”

    Hope this makes sense.


    1. Denitsa Avatar

      Hello Bob,
      Sorry for the misunderstanding, I didn’t realize we were talking about Invoice ID and not Order ID ๐Ÿ™‚
      Including Invoice Number when exporting would certainly require code customizations, so would you provide more detail as to what kind of mechanism do you use to set your Invoice Numbers (e.g third party plugin, custom code, etc)?

  3. Denitsa Avatar

    If you export a file from Affiliates > Referrals then the Order ID is given under the Reference and the Description fields, as well as a link to the order itself. The format of the output is such as to take into account the case where you might have a new affiliate registration and the new user was referred by an existing affiliate. The type of the referral is listed under the Type column in the exported file.

