Can’t find my help desk case that I submitted

I can find the support ticked I created… can you please find it and address it for me? Did it get deleted? I created it a few days ago (Friday) and never got a reply. I know it went through because I had a confirmation message above when it was submitted. Here is what I wrote before (or something very close):

The site was working fine… then I added a campaign, landing page.

Ever since then, now when I go to any url in the domain, the browser automatically removes the http:// part. On top of that, I get some sort of weird error (I don’t know if this is yours or if it’s something chrome provides):

The Force is NOT With YOU LUKE: [No such file or directory]

What is going on??? Everything was fine before.

Is your code doing something to my .htaccess or something? Please help… this seems kinda bad.

I’ve been waiting since Friday morning (about 8 or 9 am) for some help and I am POSITIVE I successfully submitted a ticket. Please help!

Also, I’m having other issues as well since then… your documentation is not very clear and I’m having trouble setting this up correctly. Referral links aren’t working, the affiliate registration form isn’t working exactly right, the affiliate_login_redirect shortcode doesn’t work at all (it’s just blank), and more. Is there a way I can have someone I can talk to over the phone for some guidance please? I have a time sensitive project and I’ve already been waiting since Friday just for the one issue (which I’ve lost ALOT of time (a day and a half) trying to figure out and fix. I’m concerned that your support in general is slow and if so, I’d really like to be able to discuss my list of issues and have someone help me through configuration. Thanks so much.


One response to “Can’t find my help desk case that I submitted”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi David,
    sorry, We have not topic on Friday, probably you are talking about this topic.
    I close this topic, so you can continous with @George.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
