Can’t Check Out on Itthinx Site

Hi – I’m trying to purchase a second license and I can’t complete the checkout process on the website. It keeps throwing an error: Internal Server Error.

I really need to get this installed so hoping for a quick reply! 🙂



4 responses to “Can’t Check Out on Itthinx Site”

  1. Erica Thumma Avatar
    Erica Thumma

    Hi Kento,

    I was just looking at my account and it looks as though 6 purchases went through yesterday (September 7th), even though I didn’t get a confirmation email. Could you possibly refund those?


    1. Hi Erica,

      Thank you very much, we have of course refunded the duplicate ones. I must apologize for these, it seems we’re finally back to normal again now. I will email you a token of appreciation for your patience and understanding.


  2. Erica Thumma Avatar
    Erica Thumma

    Hi Kento!

    I had some similar issues myself with updates so no worries! Glad you got it squared away. Just successfully made a purchase. Thanks!

  3. Hi Erica,

    Many thanks for reaching out and please excuse the inconvenience! We had a few issues here while updating our systems, but they should now all be resolved. Please give it a try now 🙂

