Cancel plug in purchese

How can I proceed with the cancellation os a plug-in I recently purchased? It did not fulfill our needs unfortunately.
Thank you in advance!


3 responses to “Cancel plug in purchese”

  1. Hi,

    Many thanks for giving it a try. This is the right place to ask and we will of course process it for you. Would you mind letting us know what features you were missing or if we could help or advise in any way?


    1. minidini Avatar

      How can we proceed then?
      Actually we needed the feathure of having cupons and this didn´t have, it asked to purchase a plugin add. Then we realized that kind of plugin we already had, that is why we want to cancel this one.
      Thank you!

      1. Hi,

        Thanks for explaining! Yes there is an extension that automates certain parts of coupons, but coupons for affiliates are already a part of Affiliates Pro and this is explained on the Coupons page in the documentation.

        The extension you probably refer to is Affiliates Coupon – it automates the creation of coupons for affiliates. It is not required to be able to use coupons, it is rather an enhancement.

        We have processed the refund on the plugin meanwhile for you. I think it’s best so you can make a decision on whether you would like to continue to use the Affiliates Pro plugin and if it would be helpful for your case. If you think that it is suitable, we of course would encourage you to purchase the license again but please take your time to evaluate things first.

