Can you block affiliates unless they have perchased

I am looking at getting Affiliates Products and what i am thinking of doing is having say 3 or 4 different products but the Affiliate cant be an affilaite unless they have bought the product.

So say the affilaite buys product 1 they can then earn a commision on product 1 but if they refers someone who buys product 1 & product 2 they recieve commision for product 1 but not product 2. But there reffering affilaite will recieve commision for product 2 if they have bought it

Is this possible???

If not im also thinking does Affiliates Products let me set different tiered commission rates for different products????



3 responses to “Can you block affiliates unless they have perchased”

  1. George Avatar

    You are welcome Kieron 🙂

    Each product is assigned manually to a single affiliate. You can change the assigned affiliate but each time only a single affiliate can be assigned to a product. Of course each affiliate can be assigned to more than one products.

    The levels have to do with tiered commissions. You should also have a look at the documentation. It doesn’t override the commission set but it sets the commissions paid to different levels of affiliates. For example,

    Affiliate A refers Affiliate B
    Affiliate B refers Affiliate C

    When Affiliate C gets a referral, ie refers a new sale, Affiliate B will get commission on that sale based on the rate set at Level 1 of Affiliate C.
    Also, Affiliate A will get a commission based on the rate set at Level 2 of Affiliate C.
    Affiliate C though will get a commission based on the rate or flat amount or method etc set under Affiliates>Settings>Commissions( or his attributes ).
    The rates used in each Level have to do with the referrers of Affiliate C.

    You should try to refer a new affiliate using an existing affiliate’s link, to see how it works. Once you do that, a tree will appear under the referring affiliate showing the depths of the affiliate tree.

    If you still have questions, you can always reply here.

    Kind regards,

  2. George Avatar

    Hi Kieron,

    Sorry but you can set the affiliates on Affiliates Products only manually, so once the affiliate has bought the product you can add him as the affiliate for that product.
    Affiliates Products allows you to set a flat rate per product or a global rate for all products. Tiered commissions can work on Affiliates Enterprise per affiliate. When the affiliate A refers a new affiliate B, affiliate A will also earn a commission whenever affiliate B gets a referral.

    Kind regards,

    1. Kieron Avatar

      Thanks George,

      To get this clear in my mind are you saying that i could have a bunch of products and only pay out affilaite comission on one or two of the products?? Am i getting what you said right that i would have to manually add the affilaite to each product after they bought??

      If its the case that i can have different affilaites for each product im thinking i could build a pplugin that assigns the user an affilaite status if they purchase the product and if they buy the second product add them as an affialite for this also.

      I was looking around and found that under manage affilaites there is a Level rates section that you can set Specific level rates for an affilaite manually. Im assuming this over rides the other commision structure. This gives me more questions??? lol

      1) Is there some where i can find that show the number of affilaites referred??
      2) Im assuming i can edit this with a plugin so it the person refers 3 or say 4 people i can change there commission.

      What im thinking is im going to change it so that when a person refers say 3 people they get paid on 3 levels, when tehy refer 4 people they get paid onb 4 levels and so on.

      Thanks kieron

