Automatically log out after edit profile

My affiliate accounts automatically log out after they edit their profile.
Is there a way to keep them logged in?

And also when the affiliate enters a wrong password he is being re-directed to wp log-in page.
Is there a way to re-direct him to my custom log-in page?

Thanks in advance!


2 responses to “Automatically log out after edit profile”

  1. orenedree Avatar

    Ok. fine 🙂

  2. Hi Oren,

    When an affiliate registers through affiliate registration form, a user entry is created that is connected to that affiliate. Therefore if an affiliate logs-out then the user will be logged-out as well and vice versa.

    Also, you can think of affiliates as users who have additional capabilities on your site, which are all the affiliates tools. That’s the reason why we don’t choose to offer password-recovery options when a wrong password is entered.

    Kind regards,
