Automatic redeem affiliate earnings




It’s my first question here ๐Ÿ™‚ And after few days of setting up the Enterprise plugin I see how BIG and Fabulous it is.

And my quiestion: Is there any possibility to make a button or link which changes earnings in affiliate panel for affiliates who want to redeem their earnings into coupon in woocommerce.

For example: John Doe has 10$ in his affiliate account from referarls orders. He want to exchange 5$ in coupon for his next order and payout other 5$.

Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚


One response to “Automatic redeem affiliate earnings”

  1. Hi,
    this function doesn’t exist but you could create a contact form (e.g. with contact form 7) where the affiliate requests the payment then you can create a woocommerce coupon with the value and close the referrals.
