automatic commission on subscription renewal


I have applied affiliate coupons on my website along with Affiliate pro plugin.

My coupons are successfully applied to my subscription packages.

Now what my concern is :-

My subscription packages are renewed. So each time of renewal of a subscription package i wan to give same commission to the affiliate whose code applied by any user first time on that package.

Is it possible with your affiliate coupons settings? Or any custom code/function you have for this which i have to add to somewhere in my site function file?

Let me know what i have to do in this case?

The only concern is if any coupon applied on a subscription package, until that subscription din’t get cancelled, every-time on renewal same commission added to the corresponding affiliate each time. (discount to user will be one-time only so that’s not the concern at all)?

Please let me know regarding this. If you want any further details or confirmation let me know.



8 responses to “automatic commission on subscription renewal”

  1. Andreas Avatar

    Hello Antonio

    I am glad to tell you that after up-gradation of Affiliates WooCommerce Integration:- Version 1.6.0 to version 1.7.0 solved my issue.

    Now on each subscription renewal amount is added and processed properly.

    You guys are amazing and very hard-working.

    Really appreciate your help. Thanks a lot for saving my time and giving you valuable feed-backs that worked for me.

    The topic is closed from my side.

    Thanks once again.

    1. antonio Avatar

      I’m glad to hear that.
      Thank you very much,
      Antonio B.

  2. Andreas Avatar

    Hello Antonio

    Sorry for my late reply first.

    Currently my Affiliates Pro plugin version is:- Version 2.17.0

    And Affiliates WooCommerce Integration:- Version 1.6.0

    So i have to update both? Or only the integration?

    After that shall i have to create new orders with new generated coupons or older-one will also starts WORKING?

    Let me know so that i can proceed.

  3. Andreas Avatar

    Hello Antonio

    I have already checked that settings.

    Now for testing purpose i have renewed my one order subscription (parent subscription). Now a new order generated with pending status.

    Now no matter what i am doing (changing status to active, processed, finished). the commission amount is not added to the corresponding affiliate.

    I have checked the orders linking with each other and it seems showing fine.


    Order # 12626 details

    #12627 subscription 5 days ago Active kr 598.00 every 2 months
    #12667 renewal Order 1 minute ago Processing kr 598.00

    Order # 12667 details

    #12627 subscription 5 days ago Active kr 598.00 every 2 months
    #12626 parenting Orders 5 days ago Completed kr 149.50

    Now when i saw my affiliate regarding this. there is no increase in commission amount there.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Andreas,
      Please update the Woocommerce integration to the 1.7.0 version, this solves problem with subscriptions.
      If the problem persists, you can send me dashboard admin access to antonio[at]itthinx[dot]com indicating this topic, and I’ll have a look at your settings.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  4. Andreas Avatar

    Hello Andreas,

    I didn’t get you.

    Actually i need that when subscription got renewed then system will check that the subscription have any applied coupon previously? If yes then on every renewal add same amount to the affiliate what is added first time.

    Can you please elaborate what you are telling.


    1. antonio Avatar

      No, sorry, I’ve expressed myself wrong.
      You do not need to check anything. Just from the Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration section activate the Recurring Referrals.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  5. antonio Avatar

    Hi Andreas,
    From Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration section you can set the Recurring Referrals and their timeout.
    There is no difference between receiving the first referral from the coupons or from links.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
