Auto tax term generation based on cpt item created

We purchased this add-on yesterday and getting to understand it’s usage.

First issue we found == the addon does not display any UI for custom post types. It is only for custom taxonomy. This is contrary to the sales page for the addon, unless I am missing something. I have a screenshot that can show this –

Here’s the use case we imagined when we purchased this add-on and this is necessary for our operation.

1. We have a few tens of hundreds of Groups (we have raised a support ticket for this in that forum).
2. We have created a CPT Locations, where the names of our offices are to be created.
3. We intended to map these Location Items to their respective Groups; at least, we understood that this could have been possible by our understanding of the verbiage in the sales page of this addon.

But, since we don’t find any CPT actions to be performed within the addon, we researched options on the web and we found the following 2 links that appear to solve (?) our use case needs:

And a slightly older one,

Our request is as follows:
1. If possible, guide us on how to enable CPT usage within this add-on
2. If not possible, then please comment on the usability of any of the above linked suggestions – in order to achieve our goal of having a custom tax term of Location Item – this way, we can map the Groups to their corresponding Location and restrict access via the Groups Categories add-on.

I apologize for this rather lengthy explanation – as we wanted to provide you as much context as possible.

We request an early response please.
Thank you in advance.


2 responses to “Auto tax term generation based on cpt item created”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Vy,

    The required taxonomies can be enabled in Groups > Restrict Categories settings as you have already noticed. As for custom post types, these can be enable under Groups > Options.


    Kind regards,

    1. Vy Naam Avatar
      Vy Naam

      Hello George,
      Thanks, but we had already done the same in the Groups option settings. We were expecting to see something similar in the add-on settings as well – basically, that was our understanding of the verbiage in the sales page for the add-on product. We had one expectation of this add-on – we could map our Locations CPT to the corresponding custom tax – to programmatically correspond the CPT item to the custom tax – so that we could “automate” part of the group category assignment. It is possible that our understanding of the wording was flawed/faulty and we made the wrong conclusion.
      With regards.
