Apply coupon before tax.

Hello, How can I create a coupon for just one user where the discount is 50% before tax? I tryed to create a new coupon by AFFILIATES COUPONS PLUGIN but I didn’t see any differenze in woocommerce coupon. where can I fix the discount before tax?


One response to “Apply coupon before tax.”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi Maico,
    You have this option in the ‘Default coupon settings’ from Affiliates Coupons->Affiliates Coupons. If you need to use this option for the bulk creation, you have this from Affiiates Coupons->Bulk Options
    Really Affiliates Coupons doesn’t add more options to the Woocommerce coupons. With this plugin you can assign automatically coupons to the new affiliates and/or assign new coupons to the existing affiliates.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
