Apply a reference rate + a rate for a specific product selection


I use “affiliates product” attributed to 20% on a list of products to my affiliates and I’d like to put a reference rate of 5% for the rest of the products.

I made several test but only the rate to 20% is accounted for when I put two items in my cart. I do not get the second comission should be calculated based on the 5% of the reference rate.

How to proceed?

I use WooCommerce and I set the rate of 5% in the menu:

Affiliates products> affiliates products
Affiliates> WooCommerce integration
Affiliates products> Settings> commission> default rate
Affiliates products> New attribute> Referral rate: 0.05

Best Regards


14 responses to “Apply a reference rate + a rate for a specific product selection”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Didier,

    Can you perhaps send us your administrator credentials by mail to support[at]itthinx[dot]com and please don’t forget to include a link to this topic?
    If it is a production site, also please make sure that you have a full backup of it, both files and database.

    Kind regards,

  2. DIDIER Avatar

    NOK – And Product A (20%) + product B (5%), to shopping cart (still using the affiliate link) it does not.

    All I need the default 5% commission is ok and my configuration is optimal.

    How to proceed ?

    Best regards

  3. DIDIER Avatar

    More information

    OK – By only the product A (20%) in the cart, it works.
    KO – In just putting product B (5%) to shopping cart (still using the affiliate link), it does not.

    OK – By only the product A (20%) in the cart (without using the affiliate link), it works.

  4. DIDIER Avatar

    Hi George,

    Product A is 0 under Product Data, to exclude this from other affiliates
    Product B, I’ve mentioned nothing.

    But the 5% commission does not add to the 20% commission

    Best regards

  5. George Avatar

    Hi Didier,

    Please make sure that Affiliate rate value for product B under Product Data is not set to 0. It should have no value set there.


  6. DIDIER Avatar


    For the Second version
    “you want some products to give 20% to some of the affiliates and the rest of the products to give 5% to these specific affiliates”

    I followed the instructions, but only the 20% comission is validated.
    I put the cart a product A (20%) + product B (5%), once ordered, only 20% are credited to the affiliate.

    The result is that I wanted to get 20% + 5%.

    Here is my setup :

    Best regards

  7. George Avatar

    HI Didier,

    I have detailed instructions on my previous comment, check it out.

    Kind regards,

  8. DIDIER Avatar

    Thanks for this response.

    And, How to set up the first solution you have submitted to me?

    ==> “all the products to give 5% and some of them to grant an extra 20% to some affiliates”

    Best regards

  9. George Avatar

    Hi Didier,

    I see, i believe i got it what you are trying to do. It is similar to my previous answer.

    Assign your products to the three affiliates you want to give 20% in Affiliates Products plugin( as you already have)

    For each of these products used above, edit the product and under Product Data set the rate to 0, under Affiliates attribute in Product Data( so that when someone buys such a product, only the assigned Affiliate get’s his/her 20%)

    Go to Affiliates>WooCommerce Intergration and under Product Rates section, set the default rate to 0.05.

    Go to Affiliates>Settings>Commissions and set the Method to Referral Amount Method and the Value to Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates

    I made the assumption that you have only three affiliates. What i mean is that, with this method the affiliates that are assigned to a product in Affiliates Products get their 20%( or whatever you want to give ),
    and for the rest of the products they get 5%. If you have/add another affiliate and not assign him/her to a product under Affiliates Products, they will get only the 5% commission.
    Keep in mind also that if you assign product 1 to affiliate 1 in Affiliates Products, when product 1 is bought by following affiliate 2 link for instance, only affiliate 1 will get commission and not affiliate 2.

    I admit it’s a long answer, so if you want further explanation, feel free to ask.

    Kind regards,

  10. DIDIER Avatar


    Second version
    “you want some products to give 20% to some of the affiliates and the rest of the products to give 5% to these specific affiliates”

    Best regards

  11. George Avatar

    Hi Didier,

    In order to clarify it even more, you want all the products to give 5% and some of them to grant an extra 20% to some affiliates?
    Or, you want some products to give 20% to some of the affiliates and the rest of the products to give 5% to these specific affiliates or all the affiliates?

    Kind regards,

  12. DIDIER Avatar

    With affiliates product, I assigned 20% to a list. I did a test by putting a product A (20% commission) and product B (5% commission). Only the comission of product A is considered.

    Here is my setup:
    Affiliates Products> Affiliates Products> 0.05
    Affiliates Products> WooCommerce> Product B assigned to my affiliate account

    How to proceed?

    Best regards
    Deebls, Didier

  13. DIDIER Avatar

    Hi George,

    Thank you for this speedy return, but I expressed myself badly.
    I would like to apply a default rate of 5% and assign:

    20% on a product list to the affiliate 1
    20% on another product list to the affiliate 2
    20% on another product list to the affiliate 3


  14. George Avatar

    Hi Didier,

    For the products you want to give a 20% commission, you should visit the Dashboard and then go to Products and click edit on the products you want. After that go to Product Data and click the Affiliates attribute to set the commission to 0.2.
    For the rest of the products, go to Affiliates>WooCommerce Intergration and under Product Rates section, set the default rate to 0.05.

    Kind regards,
