Allow a product to be visible if it is also in an unrestricted category

I have products on my store that are in a restricted category, but are also in a non restricted category. I assumed that when viewing the unrestricted category, all products within that category would be visible, but they are not. The restricted category over rides. Is there anyway of achieving this?


5 responses to “Allow a product to be visible if it is also in an unrestricted category”

  1. Christopher Avatar

    Thanks Kento, but that isn’t the problem. I do have a category called ‘Safety Shoes’ and I want every shoe in that category to be visible to everyone. There are also categories that are specific to customers, and should only be seen by a specific customer. When that customer clicks their category, I want them to be able to see all of their products, which include shoes from the non restricted category. As soon as I add the shoes to a restricted category however, they disappear from the non-restricted category for non logged in users.

    What I need is for the least restricted option to overrule. Unfortunately it seems to be the other way round. This also means that I can’t have the same product in several different restricted categories (for example I have a category for every wholesale customer).

    1. antonio Avatar

      Sorry Christopher,
      only AND option is available. This is because you need to be member of all groups to see the product.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. Christopher Avatar

    Thanks for replying Antonio. It gets really messy if we have to create multiple versions of a product, as they are all stock managed. We want the same product to show in various categories, only some of which are restricted. Surely if a product is in an unrestricted category, it should show in that category, even if it is in a restricted category? Seems a really odd way of doing things.

    1. Hi Christopher,

      I would rather recommend to assign the products that should be fully restricted to one category and make sure that none of the products that should not be restricted belong to the restricted category.

      I’m almost certain that the issue here is that you have a category that makes perfect sense to have, e.g. Shoes, and want to have some products in that category restricted, but not all of them. Imagine some of the shoes should only be available to distributors, then you would create one additional restricted category “Shoes Distributors” and only assign those products that should be fully restricted to the “Shows Distributors” category.

      I hope that helps and makes the usage clearer.


  3. Hi Christopher,
    if the product is limited throw the category, then the product is not available (It does not depend on the category from which you look).
    You could create the same product two times, one per category. Sorry, this is the only option I can think of.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
