After purchase with affiliate link the total comission is $0.00

I need some help with the plugins “Affiliates Pro & Woocommerce integration” I recently purchased.

In WooCommerce settings I have a the default rate 0.1.
The test product has a rate of 0.5, set in the product page.

After a transaction is completed through an affiliate link (of the test product that has the referral rate of 0.5 for 50% commission), the amount shown in affiliates> totals is $0.00

As an affiliate I receive the emails, “A referral has been credited to you”.
But if I login with the affiliate account, the commission total is $0.00.

Here are my settings:

The Affiliates>Settings are:

1. “Referral Amount Method”

2. Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rate.

The Affiliates> woocommerce settings are

1. Enable product referrals (checked)

2. Default rate: 0.1

Thanks for your help!

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One response to “After purchase with affiliate link the total comission is $0.00”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Your settings seems right. Maybe you’re just showing commissions “accepted”. Please check if your referral is created correctly (in Affiliates->Referrals).
