Affiliates WooCommerce Intregration

We have 1.3.5 and want to update to 1.4.1. If we just ftp it to the directory under the plugin folder things should be fine? Is there any thing we should do before updating other than backing up. 🙂


9 responses to “Affiliates WooCommerce Intregration”

  1. We have the itthinx updater but it say There is a new version of Affiliates WooCommerce Integration available. View version 1.4.1 details. Automatic update is unavailable for this plugin. Is that normal?

    1. Hi,
      please be sure your have the ‘itthinx updates’ plugin activated and the service key set in Plugins->Itthinx Updates

      1. My Service Key is set on Itthinx Updates but I am getting the same error message as Dennis above.

        1. You need to update to the latest version manually and after that the updates will be automatic with a valid service key.

  2. We read the readme … so do we need to delete just the woo integration plugin then upload fresh copy? Do we need to turn off all the itthinx affiliate plugins as well during the upgrade process or just the woo integration plugin. 🙂

    1. If you have the latest versions currently, just the integration plugin.

  3. we have the Enterprise version same thing applies?

    1. If you have the itthinx updater plugin installed, the update process is automatic. I would recommend that rather than the manual way. Yes you should make a backup in any case before updating any of your plugins.

  4. Hi,
    in your downloads page you have a Affiliates Pro README file with instructions. You can apply this to your integration.
