Affiliates Woocommerce Integration Plugin not installed

I have installed the Affiliates Pro and have entered the license number. But the “Install” button for the Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Plugin shows “Plugin not found”

Affiliates WooCommerce

And the link that says I can download it from your site goes here:

Affiliates WooCommerce

This does not have the plugin I need.

Please send the ZIP file for the plugin.



4 responses to “Affiliates Woocommerce Integration Plugin not installed”

  1. Thanks for providing access to your Dashboard Mary, the addon is installed and I have also deactivated the light version which can be safely removed. I have also sent you a copy of the addon to your email address, the one you used here for your account.
    The issue with the failing installation is either related to a blockage by Wordfence, or it is affected by the caching features that you currently seem to have active on your site, Themify cache and the hosting server cache.

    Kind regards,

  2. Hi Mary,

    Thanks I’ve received an invitation for holistic energy website.


  3. Hi Mary,

    Welcome to our support forum and sorry to hear that you have issues installing Affiliates WooCommerce Integration.
    Of course I can send you the integration zip file but if it’s possible can I please have a look at your Dashboard for that issue? This is not a normal situation and once you have installed Itthinx Updates plugin, you should be able to install the integration from the Integrations tab. You may send me temp admin credentials to george at itthinx dot com and once I check your issue, I will install the integration for you and also send you a copy.

    Kind regards,

    1. Mary Ann Wilkens Avatar
      Mary Ann Wilkens

      I have added you as an admin, please confirm that you received an invitation email.
