Affiliates woocommerce integration

Hello Everyone,

I just purchased Affiliates Enterprise and I am in the process of setting it up.

During the settings, it was recommended to install the Affiliates WooCommerce Integration plugin and when I followed the link to start the download it gave me a notice saying: Plugin not found.

Could you please advise?

Blessings to all.



One response to “Affiliates woocommerce integration”

  1. Eugen Bleck Avatar
    Eugen Bleck

    Hi Thierry,

    Good morning and happy new week! I trust you are well and safe!

    Thank you so much for reaching out.

    With regards to your inquiry, please ensure you install the Itthinx updates plugin and enter your service key once activated in Plugins->Itthinx updates if you haven’t already. You can find your service key here. And here’s a section of the documentation that covers how to install and active the Itthinx updates plugin.

    If you’ve already installed the Itthinx updates plugin and added the service key is set correctly, then something else might be interfering with the download. In most cases this is due to security plugins trying to filter the updates, you can try to disable them if you have any.

    I have also sent a copy of the Affiliates WooCommerce Integration to you via the email attached to your order.

    STAY SAFE and I remain available if you have any further inquiries.

    Be awesome!
