Affiliates Registration with Gravity Forms RATES issues

The rates created are not getting applied.

Created rates for up to level 3. Tried the relative unchecked and checked, still set amount is not being added and is always 0.

The base amount is not checked for the form created in GF.

Rates are set to amount and not rates/referral rates as the values are in $5,$10,$20 for each level.

Are we missing some setting?


6 responses to “Affiliates Registration with Gravity Forms RATES issues”

  1. That’s great.
    I will mark the topic as resolved.


  2. Sethkamlet Avatar

    We’ve found the way to get the rates (amount) values when registering thru Gravity form.

  3. Thanks for the feedback.

    I think it’s better to have a look on your settings. Please provide temp admin access to your site, by sending the credentials to and mention the topic title on the subject.
    Also, enable WP debugging in case there are issues going on to your site that are logged in debug.log file.

    To enable debugging, edit your wp-config.php file and do the following:
    Replace this line: 

    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );

    with these lines:

    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false );

    Kind regards,

  4. Sethkamlet Avatar

    We are on Enterprise and set up the Rates per level. The Commision setthings is set to RATES

  5. Sethkamlet Avatar

    We’ve already set up the rates for each level but its not applying.

    I tested on my local to generate form rates for gravity form registration that we’ve connected to the affiliates.

    It only generated just 1 rate and that one was the one being used instead of the rates we’ve created

  6. Hi Howard,

    The tiered rates apply when a referral is recorded for an affiliate that has been referred by another affiliate.
    For example, let’s assume the following relations.
    Affiliate George refers new affiliate Howard.
    Affiliate Howard refers new affiliate John.
    Affiliate John refers new affiliate Peter.

    Whenever affiliate Peter refers a new affiliate the following referrals are recorded:
    1) Peter get’s the commission set for general or for Gravity Forms.
    2) John get’s the commission set for level 1.
    3) Howard get’s the commission set for level 2.
    4) George get’s the commission set for level 3.

    I would also recommend you to read the post Affiliates Tiers Demystified. It contains a description on how tiered commissions work and how they apply.

    If the above applies to your case but still tiered commissions are zero, then I think it’s better for me to have a look at your setup. You can send me temp admin access to and mention the topic title in the email subject.

    Kind regards,
