Affiliates Products Capabilities

Im having a problem trying to integrate if possible a paid membership page with integrations from Affilitates without going through woo-commerce. for example i need members to sign up to the site to view certain areas but have a option to sign up as a affiliate either automatically on registration or for a later option. but with a paypal or other payment gateway.

can anyone help please?

Thank You

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One response to “Affiliates Products Capabilities”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Aaron,

    For this concept i would suggest you to check Groups, Groups Subscriptions and Groups Paypal plugins.

    You can also check the corresponding documentation pages, for Groups for Groups Subscriptions and for Groups Paypal.

    As for the users to become affiliates, you can prompt the new users to visit Affiliates Area page( or your own custom page containing the affiliates register form) after registering, in order to sign up to be an affiliate.
    Alternatively, you can make users also affiliates manually, you can have a look at the respective documentation page here.

    Kind regards,
