Affiliates Pro / Woocommerce totals amount & currency not displaying


I purchased the plugin “Affiliates Pro & Woocommerce integration” 2 days ago and I’m having some issues.

On affiliate> referrals and affiliate> totals, the amount & currency are not displaying.

On affiliate> referrals: amount & currency are blank.

On affiliate> totals: the drop down has no USD value only 2 dashes —

Therefore I can’t pay my affiliates via paypal.

Thanks for your help!


3 responses to “Affiliates Pro / Woocommerce totals amount & currency not displaying”

  1. Andrew Avatar

    I have this exact same problem.

    Initially, based on the wording, I thought I only needed to set the Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rate on the product directly. In this case, I set it to 0.2

    Upon receiving a successful referral, the user’s Total and Currency were empty.

    I found this post, and decided to update the other two fields with 0.2 as the value, even thought I don’t understand why it is necessary if they are default values that should be overridden by the product.

    I checked the affiliate dashboard details and Total and Currency were still empty.

    As a last option, I edited the item directly, entered in the cash value, and USD.

    I am not sure if this has rectified the issue, or if it will still exist. Can you please assist?

    1. Hi Andrew,

      The amount and currency should be assigned automatically assuming that your settings are correct.

      Can you please double-check that under Affiliates > Settings you have chosen “Referral Amount Method” and that the value of this field shows “Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rate” ?

      Also please check that you effectively set a default rate under Affiliates > WooCommerce Integration > Product rates > Default rate.

  2. antonio Avatar

    Please check your settings:
    – In Affiliates->Woocommerce integration you must set a default rate.
    – In Affiliates->Settings set “Referral Amount Method” then click on “Save” and finally set Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rate.

    If the problem persists, you can send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com (please indicate this topic in the email).

