Affiliates Pro not tracking Paypal Express checkout

Good evening all,

I’ve tried searching your forums for information. I’m running WP 3.8.3, Affiliates Pro 2.6, Affiliates WooCommerce Integration 1.3.5, and WooCommerce 2.1.8 with Paypal Express Plugin.

When I use standard checkout, it seems to track the affiliate referral appropriately. When I go to use the Paypal Express Checkout button/payment, it tracks the hit but not the affiliate referral amount.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thank you in advance!



7 responses to “Affiliates Pro not tracking Paypal Express checkout”

  1. George Avatar


    I have run affiliate sales test (and live) through Cheque Payment, Paypal Standard, and Paypal Express.

    Cookies are present. When I use the standard checkout (Cheque Payment and Paypal Standard), It correctly registers an affiliate sale and commission. When I use the Paypal Express checkout (to bypass standard cart and additional data entry point), it processes and returns the sale, however it does not register a commission to the link, only a hit.

    1. Thanks George, can you please provide admin access to support at itthinx dot com? Please make sure to indicate a link to this topic or comment so we know which issue the access is related to.

      1. ksalter47 Avatar

        I’m having this same exact problem. I also noticed that non of my Paypal express orders are getting registered as wordpress users. Woo-coomerce records the order but somehow skips adding that customer as a wordpress user. This only happens with paypal express. I’ve put in a support ticket to woo support as well.

        1. Hi,

          This sounds like the payment gateway isn’t working correctly, or it isn’t set up correctly. If the order process isn’t fully completed (which seems to be the case as the user isn’t added) then there won’t be any referral recorded either. I would recommend to enable debugging and check for any errors during checkout, probably something goes wrong during that and before the user account is created.


          1. ksalter47 Avatar

            The order is completing correctly and is being recorded as a sale in woo commerce. But the customer is not being added as a user in the wordpress database under USERS.

            These paypal express sales are not being registered by affiliate pro.

            Do you think the problem is with the paypal express plugin?

            1. Yes I think that’s where the problem is, because the user account is not created to me this sounds like something goes wrong during the process.

  2. Hi George,

    Can you please describe the exact steps you have undertaken to test this? Do you use the same browser when testing different payments methods and is the wp_affiliates cookie present after visiting the link?
