Affiliates Permanent + Login – Register Plugins (like login with Ajax)


I want more login and register options and customisations than the official old wordpress one, so I started to test wordpress login + register plugins combining with you Affiliates Enterprise + Affiliates Permanent.
The “Super Socializer” plugin works (for making the permanent affiliate connection upon user registration), but it only allows login and registration with social networks so I need at least one more plugin what can register new users (that is working with the automatic permanent affiliate connection creation also).
I used the “Login with Ajax” plugin earlier ( ) but now I see that if someone registers using that then the permanent affiliate connection is NOT made upon registration.
So could you please help to make that work with that Login with Ajax plugin or suggest any other good (free) login + register plugins where I can customize the register fields?
Because with your affiliate registration form I also can’t customize the fields neither with only
So I think I need a plugin if I want to create usernames automatically from email, or hide fields, etc.
Or how can I remove the “username”, “last name”, “company”, “website” field and translate etc with your affiliate register form using [affiliates_dashboard_registration]?
Or how can I make affiliates permanents automatic permanent affiliate connection made with Ajax login plugin to work? Or do you know other login / register plugins what works with permanent affiliate connection making upon user registration? I am opened to all solutions!

Thanks much!


3 responses to “Affiliates Permanent + Login – Register Plugins (like login with Ajax)”

  1. Hey Adrian,

    FYI, a new affiliate registration doesn’t require double optin email confirmed and this is why we haven’t considered adding it. Even if you disable the unnecessary fields in Affiliates > Settings > Registration, the only required field is the email address hence it cannot be modified.
    In order to add a new affiliate to a group automatically, you need a custom plugin/snippet for that task using the action hook affiliates_added_affiliate and then assign that user to a group using the first Example.

    Kind regards,

  2. Adrián Fok Avatar
    Adrián Fok

    Ok thanks.
    But if you can not recommend any specific compatible free register plugin then can you tell me please then this form for your shortcode how can be customized?
    I mean NOT the design part! I mean can I remove fields from it easily without trouble ( maybe with deleting 1 line or “hiding” a field or something similar easy thing what needs not much programming)? Or it is more complicated?
    + If it can be done easily, then what fields can I delete from it safely? Maybe only “last name”, “company”, “website”? Because if I delete the “username” field too then it will can’t generate username from email? Or it can?
    My site will ONLY contain affiliates because this is an MLM, so I think I could use that form for all registering people, for all users too, but this way there is too much fields, because for example most people don’t have website and company.
    But now it came to my mind that I will only want double optin email confirmed new registers, so if I see right then I can’t do double optin with your plugins right? (with affiliate enterprise or with some it’s compatible extention) Or I just did not find it yet?
    Because if I can’t do double optin with your affiliate plugins then all my questions are irrevelant, (and dont need answer), so if, then see this whole post just a suggestion for new feature if you may want.
    + Now I remember then you have newsletter plugins for groups, but then I need to have to be able to add new registers / affiliates INSTANTLY to a new group, but I have searched all forum posts and documentation and could only find a shortcode for a button what is needed to be pressed manually to join into a new group. Is there come code (maybe 1 line shortcode, or anything) what can be used to add new users instantly to a specified group? Maybe with another plugin or maybe when they see a page. But the point is to instantly and automatically (for the double optin emails be able to go out instantly also).
    (because from the video what I sent in email you can see why I need all new registered members to be added to a new “registered 2” group. )


  3. Hi Adrián, welcome back to our support forum.

    Even though I have no particular plugin in mind to recommend you, as far as affiliates permanent is considered you should be covered with any plugin that uses the wp_insert_user() function for adding new users and also I would recommend you to have a look at this function definition since there are several filters for the user data before the new user is inserted in the database. The affiliate permanent assignment is done once the user is registered.
    FYI, the [affiliates_dashboard_registration] and the affiliate registration form in general is used to register new affiliates and should not be used to register new users, because when it is submitted it will create a user and affiliate entry in the database.

    Kind regards,
