Affiliates not getting Commission

first of all plugin is realy good,
I have 3 extensions, Groups, Groups Subscription, Groups Paypal. We wanted to give commisions to affiliates when some one buy the subscription product but its not working. We made payments and payments are active but affiliate didnt got the commision…

Also When someone registers. Affiliate got the commision but
how admin will pay that amount to that affiliate ?
Can you please explain it.

Best Regards,

Posted in


7 responses to “Affiliates not getting Commission”

  1. Well not exactly manual. If you visit Affiliates>Totals you can generate a Mass Payment File, which can be used in paypal to send the funds to affiliates.
    Please have a look at the documentation as well.

    Kind regards,

  2. wpmywbsite Avatar

    ok last thing, for example affiliate got $50 and admin want to pay him, then how admin will pay to that affiliate ?
    is it manual ?


  3. Hi,

    In order to give to your affiliates commissions on selling subscriptions you should use Groups WooCommerce as i mentioned before.


  4. wpmywbsite Avatar

    i just want to give commission to my affiliates when user buy the subscription from Groups Subscriptions plugin.
    I have 3 extensions, Groups, Groups Subscription, Groups Paypal.

    Please let me know that.


  5. Hi wpmywbsite,

    Sorry but support is offered through the forum here mainly and when needed through mail.
    What are the the other requirements you want to offer to your customers/subscribers?

    Kind regards,

  6. wpmywbsite Avatar

    i have checked the above groups woocommerce plugin link. but as i already informed i am using Groups Subscriptions with groups plugin , groups paypal for payments etc…

    if i use groups woocommerce then i need to change other things as well and i am stuck on that. there’s no any way to give commisions with Groups Subscriptions plugin when user purchase the product ??

    It will be good if you can give some support phone number and i call you for 2 to 3 mins for confirmations.


  7. Hi wpmywbsite,

    In order to sell subscriptions and grant affiliates with bonuses on the sale, i would suggest you to have a look at Groups WooCommerce with which the affiliates plugin can track referrals and grant commissions.

    In order to complete the payments, please have a look at the documentation page on Totals.

    Kind regards,
