Affiliates manually adding referrals?

Hi, for some reason I thought that if an affiliate was logged in and completed the referral form it would be credited to them, but when I test this all of the referrals are being credited to Direct.

Is there a way for affiliates to manually submit referrals, without having to click on their own link? I was hoping to have a referral form embedded in the Affiliate Area to make it easier for them to manually submit, but right now that’s not possible because the referrals are going to Direct.



7 responses to “Affiliates manually adding referrals?”

  1. George Avatar

    You are welcome Andrew!

  2. Andrew Avatar

    Thanks George,

    Right, they would need to click on their own link and be directed to the referral form. I was just trying to eliminate that step by embedding the form in the Affiliate Area, but I guess I will just have to direct them to click on their own link.


  3. George Avatar

    Thanks for explaining Andrew.

    From your description, I don’t think that you need a special feature for this. Since the affiliate will have the client permission and all the necessary data, then the affiliate can simply follow the normal process and add a referral after using the affiliate link.


  4. Andrew Avatar

    Sure of course!

    My client is a financial services company that is referred sales leads from partners like realtors, mortgage lenders, auto dealerships, etc.

    Here’s an example scenario of what I would like: A realtor has a client that they want to refer to us (with their permission), the realtor can login to the Affiliate Area and enter that client’s contact information to generate the referral.

    This would just be another option for the realtor, instead of having to send them their link and the client fill out the form.

    Or a second scenario: A person is in an auto dealership to buy a car, the finance/sales person discusses their situation with them and they are a good candidate for our services. The dealership person could refer them immediately while they are still sitting in front of them.

    t’d be a much more streamlined process, and would cut down on the amount of referrals that never take action and complete the form.

    Basically we are just using AP as a sales referral system.

    Hope that clears things up!

  5. George Avatar

    Can you please give some more details on your project?
    I’m asking this because if the affiliate has the ability to add referrals manually that would be against the site’s interest to say the least.


  6. Andrew Avatar

    Thank you for the reply. Sorry, I’m not sure we are on the same page…

    I don’t want the affiliate to be able to refer himself, I want the affiliate to be able to manually refer other people. As I previously mentioned, he could do this while he is logged into the Affiliate Area.

    I guess I just need to have some text that says “To manually refer a client, please click here” with their affiliate link to the referral form?

  7. George Avatar

    Hi Andrew,

    An affiliate can refer himself if the option for Auto-referrals is enabled under Affiliates > Settings, under Referrals tab.
    But also make sure that the affiliate cookie is properly stored on your browser when you use an affiliate link.

    Kind regards,
