Affiliates Enterprise Tiers

Hello, I realized that the plugin generates a percentage of commission for the affiliate A and for the others is commissioned a percentage over what the affiliate A received, has all affiliates receive the percentage over the total value of the product?


3 responses to “Affiliates Enterprise Tiers”

  1. Valdemir Avatar

    And there is a possibility for a level 1 affiliate to have multiple tier 2 affiliates, but sales are independent of each other?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Valdemir,
      Editing the affiliates you can set custom commissions per level (from Affiliates->Manage Affiliates)
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. antonio Avatar

    Hi Valdemir,
    from Affiliates->Tiers you have the ‘Level rates are relative’ option, so you can select to calculate the commission based on the amount credited to the original referrer, instead of the order amount.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
