Affiliates double listed !?

In our admin affiliate listing page (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=affiliates-admin-affiliates) affiliates are duplicates … weird…
Maybe since update of Affiliates Pro to version Version 2.11.0.

Please, give us a fix, because we use this plugin since more than a year, and also we use :
Affiliates Export 1.0
Affiliates WooCommerce Integration 1.5.0
Itthinx Updates 1.2.0

Thanks !

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3 responses to “Affiliates double listed !?”

  1. Alexandre Avatar

    All affiliates are duplicates in view list, old and new. But only when attribute “PayPal Email” is added. Since I use it for all affiliates, they are duplicated in view. I say duplicated because it shows with same ID, and I can click on any of both to edit…

    It’s really a problem in listing view only,

    Please tell me when it’s fixed,

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Alexandre,
      I’m testing it but I don’t have this problem. Maybe a conflict with another plugin that works with tables?
      If you want, you can send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com and we’ll have a look at your settings (please indicate this topic in the email).
      Antonio B.

  2. antonio Avatar

    Hi Alexandre,
    Now, if you create a new affiliate, is it duplicated?
    If only old affiliates are duplicated, the solution is to remove the affiliate’s copy who isn’t referrals associated and/or username associated (sorry, but should do it manually).
    Kind regards,
    Antonio B.
