Affiliates coupon

for the coupon generated, the affiliates cannot view from the frontend dashboard? Then how the affiliated know what coupon to promote?


4 responses to “Affiliates coupon”

  1. Hi Wee Gim,

    As it seems my email has been rejected and wasn’t delivered, but you can still get the template file from this link:

    Kind regards,

  2. Hi Wee Gim,

    I have modified the overview-pro.php template which will render the list of assigned affiliates coupons if they exist for the affiliate.
    Please download the template file I sent to your email address and then add it to your theme folder ( preferably a child theme ) under affiliates/dashboard.
    The folder structure then should be: your-theme-folder/affiliates/dashboard/overview-pro.php
    Regarding coupons, your affiliates can only promote their assigned coupon codes to potential customers-referrals. The coupons themselves can be created either via WooCommerce or using Affiliates Coupons addon which you already have.

    Kind regards,

  3. Wee Gim Woon Avatar
    Wee Gim Woon

    Thanks for your quick response. By modifying the template meaning need to edit the .php code?
    Yea, please modify the template for me including guide ya.

    and also, for the coupon, is there any coupon link that can be generated from, for example the banner?

  4. Hi Wee Gim,

    Welcome to our support forum and many thanks for using our affiliate marketing tools on your site.

    You can always display the assigned coupon codes for the logged-in affiliate using the shortcode [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_name="false" show_email="false" show_attributes="coupons"]. This shortcode can be placed in a new page and will only display the list of coupon codes for an active affiliate that visits this page.
    If on the other hand you are using the Affiliates Dashboard, then you need to modify the appropriate template and render the coupons. I can modify the necessary template and give you an example you can use and once this is prepared I’ll send you the template file and further instructions on how you can use it.

    Kind regards,
