Affiliates area pages not parsing shortcodes

I went to Affiliates>Settings and it showed that the Register was included on the list of detected pages.
When trying to visit the page, the [AffiliatesRegister] shortlink is displayed in stead of the contents.

So then I hit the Generate button on the Affiliates>Settings page to see if it made any difference.
As expected, it did not.

I also tried other aff pages.
For example, [AffiliatesHome] and [AffiliatesLogin] both fail in the same way.

The only one that seems to display actual content is the Affiliates Area.


3 responses to “Affiliates area pages not parsing shortcodes”

  1. George Avatar

    You are welcome William.
    Perhaps you were using another affiliate plugin before. 🙂


  2. William Avatar

    To my knowledge, I am the only one working on this project, and I did not create any affiliates area pages manually.
    I presumed they were all created by the plugin itself, but since the shortcodes are wrong, that makes me wonder…

    Thanks for the clarification.

  3. George Avatar

    Hi William,

    Please have a look at the documentation page for shortcodes. All shortcodes are lowercase and words are separated by “_” underscores like this [affiliates_registration]. This is probably the reason why shortcodes don’t render properly.

    When you press the Generate button, it creates the default Affiliate Area page.
    Also, it is a good practice to create affiliate pages by enclosing all the shortcodes you wish into the block:
    Please log in to access the affiliate area.
    This text is visible to affiliates who are logged in only. So here you can put the shortcodes giving information to your affiliates.

    Kind regards,
