Affiliates and Notifications

Hey all, back at working on this part of the puzzle and I do have a few questions.
my earlier questions…

When setting this site up, we added the affiliates without adding them as WordPress users. I suspect that is going to be an issue because every time I try to access my affiliate information, I just create a new affiliate. I don’t have a login or password for my affiliate.
So I am unable to test my affiliate notifications.

Can you walk me thru what I need to do to rectify this? Is there a way to send the affiliates login information from the dashboard?



10 responses to “Affiliates and Notifications”

  1. Yup Christina you are right.
    Although the token returns the order id when the product is directly linked to an affiliate using Affiliates Products(if you have used the plugin), it returns nothing when the purchase is made through an affiliate link(your case).

    Your issue has already been forwarded to the debugging team.
    Sorry for the inconvenience and for the late reply.

    Kind regards,

  2. Hi Christina,

    I’m sorry for the late reply.
    These shortcodes are to be used in the notification emails. The documentation is referring to the Notifications function of Affiliates plugin.

    Kind regards,

  3. Christina Avatar

    Even with that one turned off, it isn’t giving me the order number….

  4. Christina Avatar

    I did, it gives me an empty variable.
    I think it may be a plugin conflict…

    WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers

    Have you ever had experience with that?


  5. George Avatar

    Hi Christina,

    That’s exactly what it is. Try it.

    Kind regards,

    1. Christina Avatar

      Did you see my earlier message? It isn’t giving me the order number as a [referral reference]
      Is there some setting I am missing? I thought it was a conflict but it doesn’t work when the plugin isn’t activated.
      Thanks in advance!

  6. Christina Avatar

    OK- I think I am getting it…
    One more question. In the tokens for notifications, listed here:

    you have a short code for referral reference. What variable is this pulling? Can I force it to use the order number from woocommerce?
    Thanks in advance!

  7. Hi Christina,

    Sometimes the simplest solution is the best IMHO.

    If you mean who placed the order on your shop ie WooCommerce you can find information ab(out the order in WooCommerce even if the buyer decided not to register as user during checkout. You can find this info in the order details if you’re using WooCommerce.

    There is a shortcode [affiliates_referrals status="closed"] to check the total referrals for instance. but you don’t get additional info about who was the referral.

    Again if you are using WooCommerce there is another extension made by Itthinx called Affiliate WooCommerce Views which gives additional info on orders made by referrals, ie which products have been bought by referrals, how many times etc.

    In my opinion it is much more useful for an affiliate to know what was bought rather than who bought it.

    Hope you find everything straight forward.


  8. Christina Avatar

    Thanks for the info. I don’t know why it wasn’t obvious to me to add the username to the affiliate.

    So I got that. And I can access the basic order but not WHO placed the order. Is that possible with any of the shortcodes you have available and if not how can I access that information? I need to relay it to logged in affiliates so they know which of their contacts has made a purchase. Does that make sense?

    Thanks in advance and thanks for your patience as I learn your product!!


  9. Hi Cristina,

    If i got right you need the opposite operation which the Affiliates Users plugin does.
    What do you mean by “every time I try to access my affiliate information, I just create a new affiliate”?
    If you mean accessing the Affiliates Area page, then you can’t register as an affiliate without registering as a user at the same time.

    If your affiliates aren’t registered as users then you should first register new users and then assign the usernames to the affiliates you choose.

    Could you please provide some more info about your situation?
