affiliate users and customers



Just want to understand the relationship. Please let me know the answers of each scenario below. Thanks!

1. When someone signup as an affiliate, is his profile also a customer so that he can signin and place order? Or does he need to signup again as a customer?
2. When someone signup as a customer, does he need to signup again as an affiliate?
3. In case they need to signup again in any of the two scenario above, after that, is he holding one user set of id/password? or is it actually two set of user id/password.

Thanks in advance for clarification!


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One response to “affiliate users and customers”

  1. Hi Alex,

    When someone signs in as affiliate through the affiliate registration form, he also exists as a user/customer, so can place orders normally. He/she would only have to add some extra info during checkout, like firstname-lastname-address.

    When someone signs in as a customer, he/she doesn’t exist as an affiliate unless he chooses to be one after completing the affiliate registration form in the affiliate area page.
    If though, you are interested in making all your new users, affiliates upon registration, then you should have a look at Affiliates Users plugin.

    In both cases, the user doesn’t have to signup again, but simply add some missing information.

    Kind regards,
